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venerdì 31 agosto 2012

Site of the Week

Forever 21

Is a beautiful shop that not esist in Italy but ther's the online shop that i love
There is a lot of style and clothes that you can't find in Italy.
I like a lot the beauty and accessories part that it's very cheap !!!

What I love


Fall and Back to School 2

                                My polivore Looks

3 look back to school

These are 3 back to school look I create for you !!!

Chic Back to School Look


Back to School Chic

Rock and Chic Galaxy


Healthy & Strong

Today I'm here to talk you about The Exercise finder, a site with a lot of exercise perfect for the zone that you want to work out !!!
Now that you find the exercise perfect for you !! I'm gonna show you a simple little breakfast that I create in my holidays !!!
                                                            Peach Yogurt
- yogurt
- 1 peach
- cinnamon
- chopped nuts
- scales of chocolate
It's simple but very yummy !!
If  you like something diffetent evfery mornig try this !!!!
The new !!
The six basic !!!

from TheYummyLife.com

                                                   Happy Breakfast !!!

martedì 21 agosto 2012

Fall & Back to School 1

I will write a lot of post for the Fall & Back to School Series, this is the first one for you girls,
I hope you like !!

 This first look is perfect if you want to bring a little bet of summer in your looks:
-the sweater and the leggins are super comfy and chic
-the boots up to the knee are a must for this season I prefer the leather one becouse are perfect for rainyday
- the sunglasses, the  floral clutch and the bracelet are the must for the summer
Mix this season for a perfect look for back to school

With the Uggs
I personally don't like a lot the Uggs becouse is like you have an elephant foot but are extremely comfortable and perfect for cold weather!!

Also in this look there is sweater and leggins with this classic Uggs some accessorize and this beautiful cheetah scarf ; all is in the warm tone .

This other is very similar with a teal accent !!
 This look is perfect if you are young !
 In this look I love this Uggs
With the Leather boots:
 this look are chic and comfy and I love these boots!!!

 I don't own these look, I will post my fall (Polivore) looks later!

venerdì 17 agosto 2012

Caramel Peaches

- 2 or 3 Peaches
- 1/2 tbs. of Cinnamon
- 1 tbs. of Brown Sugar
- 1/2 tbs. of Butter

Melt the butter and than add the sugar; mix everything and when thecaramel is formed  add the peaches (at low fire) mix the peaches with the caramel and finally add the cinnamon !!
 This Dessert is perfect for a grey day of summer .

- 2 o 3 pesche
- 1/2 cucchiaio di cannella
- 1 cucchiaio di zucchero di canna
- 1/2 cucchiaio di burro

Sciogli il burro in padella e poi aggiungi lo zucchero mescola finche non si forma il caramello poi aggiungi le pesche (a fuoco basso) mescola le pesche con il caramello e infine aggiungi la cannella !!
 Questo Dessert è perfetto per un giorno grigio d' estate.

                        Enjoy your caramel peaches