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sabato 27 ottobre 2012


1.} favorite fall lip product?
Debby lip pencil 01

Payot lipstick 05 ROUGE SEDUCTION  

2.} favorite fall nail polish?
I don't have a favourite colour for fall but i'm wearing a lot the crackle black nail polish with every color under it 

3.} favorite starbucks fall drink?
I don't have a  favorite starbucks fall drink : ( because here in Italy starbucks doesn't exist T.T
but I love hot chocolate with marshmellow and cinnamon or spray cream !!

4.} favorite fall candle?
I love the vanilla and cinnamon scent of the IKEA candles here in Italy there' s not something like bath and body works so i take my candle from IKEA and my favorite are:
The Vanilla
 The Apple and Cinnamon

 5.} favorite fall scarf or accessory?
 My purple scarf and hat

6.} haunted house, haunted hay ride, or haunted corn maze?
I don't like a lot these kind of things but i enjoy the ride in the roller cost of the Prater (Vienna)

7.} favorite halloween movie?

8.} favorite candy to eat on halloween?

9.} what are you dressing up as for halloween?
Something different for my school with some false lashes and a beautiful eye make-up just to create a halloween like a different day !!!

10.} what is your favorite thing about fall?
 Stay warm with scarf and hat ! And Candles

sabato 6 ottobre 2012

September Favs

I think i'm gonna start to do my favourites of the months  !!

I've a little sample of this parfume and i reteraly love it is sweet with  floral scent !! 0 €
This mask by IROHA is my favourite mask ever beacouse have a beautiful smell and it's pell of yeah !!! 4 €

This is a soft face peeling and it's perfect for every mornig get ready and also smell very good !! 4€
This mask/ peeling have a very long duratenotr only 3 uses !!!
This is a serume for double heads of your long distroid hair it's perfect to take a beautiful appearance for your hair !!! 8 €
Now accessories favourites !!
1 Terranova  bandana 3 €
2 Neckless from a local store 5 €
3 DIY Fimo Moustache Neckless
4 Panda rings ACCESSORIZE 5 €
5 Feather Fake earings Bijoux Brigitte 5 €
6 H&M accesories for your pony-tail 4 €